Client Feedback 

 “I personally experienced Jennifer’s work as highly powerful, and have sent many referrals to her. I always personally vet providers before referring and she is the most excellent intuitive I’ve ever met. She helps to clear confusion, improve relationships, get back to your true self, and connect with your higher power. I highly recommend her.”


“I have been lucky enough to cross paths with Jennifer. Her intuition, energy and outlook on life has shifted my life perspective for the better. During our sessions, I usually do not have to explain my current state of emotions. She just reads my energy and articulates perfectly what I am feeling and thinking. It is so wonderful to share the same space with Jennifer. Simply being near her brings such warmth and positivity to my emotional well-being! ”


“I have worked in the behavioral and mental health field for 10 years while also battling lifelong severe depression and anxiety myself. I had tried it all: CBT, Talk Therapy, DBT etc. but despite my desire and dedication to trying to help myself, I was unable to see any progress with these more traditional therapeutic techniques...I eventually resorted to prescription drugs to help try and manage my symptoms that were impacting my social, home and professional life. Although I was able to “manage” with the medications, I still had extreme struggles with my depression and anxiety that were beginning to take a significant toll on my ability to be the mother I know I want to be for my son.

That’s when I was referred to Jennifer by a dear friend who was aware of my past and present difficulties. I made the appointment. Due to my more traditional clinical background, I was very skeptical of trying something this far out of my comfort zone, but I figured I had nothing to lose. During my first appointment with Jennifer I immediately found I was able to connect with her more than any other therapeutic practitioner I had tried in the past (and there have been a lot). It was so different than what I was used to, but I walked out of the first session feeling the most hopeful and empowered I have ever felt in my life....

I am still on my journey of processing past traumas and releasing things that have been weighing me down for years, but I am learning new skills and have taken in so much more in two sessions with Jennifer than I ever did in over 15 years and thousands of hours worth of traditional therapy and medication management. I am excited to continue this work with Jennifer’s guidance and am extremely hopeful and excited to see the strong, happy and fulfilled mother I have always wanted to be on the other side.”


“I’ve had multiple sessions with Jennifer and each one has been more eye opening and expansive than the one before. What I love most about her style is her directness. She is clear in her communication and has helped me in pinpointing blockages and outdated thought systems with such precision that I can relay back multiple important expansive experiences to her. I don’t know how else to say this but Jennifer is just ‘cool.’ She’s the healer I’d feel comfortable recommending to people who have never considered non-traditional healing routes. She’s who I’d love to see representing the conscious community in a big way.”


“Jen is a breath of fresh air! I initially booked an appointment with her because I knew I needed to release some old stories I was telling myself and move on from relationships that were no longer serving me, including my current relationship to myself. Jen guided me to let go of wanting to have control over “what happens next” and to open myself up to more allowance for “what is.” It was within this space where I was able to feel into what was truly important to me. She also recommended that I try more meditative styles of yoga, which was the start to me opening up my own yoga studio! Thank you, Jen, for being such a pillar of support and for sharing your healing energy!”


“Jen has been doing theta with me for years and I can’t say enough good things about her. She does a pre-read every time and it will knock your socks off. She is so in tune and has helped me more than a typical PhD therapist. I love how we just clear through blocks and problems and move directly into solutions. I see her every month and always look forward to my sessions with her. Over the years I’ve referred many patients, friends and family to her and they all are just blown away with how accurate and helpful she is.”


“It was recommended to me by a friend that I see Jennifer after being in “regular” talk therapy for a while and I’m so glad I took a chance on her. Sure “Reiki and energy work” sounds kind of out there but I think the combo of talk therapy and energy healing works really well because you feel more balanced after. If you’re on the fence, give it a chance. She’s also very easy to connect with. I always feel better after seeing her and feel truly seen by her. She’s empathetic and comes from a place of true compassion.”


“I was referred to Jennifer by my best friend, and all she told me was “you have to go and experience it for yourself.” I was skeptical about going to her, not really knowing what to expect. When I walked in I was welcomed by her friendly face and peaceful spirit. We got straight into it was just such a great experience the peacefulness I felt and the weight lifted off my shoulders was an immediate effect. She was just so down to earth and straight to the point! I felt comfortable and able to express myself to her. Since then I have a monthly scheduled appointments to see her. Amazing is an understatement and like my best friend told me “you have to go and experience it for yourself””


“Jennifer is extremely gifted and brought a great deal of clarity to me. She made connections and helped me process through events in my life which has helped me on my healing journey. I felt lighter and relaxed after each session. I am so grateful for her and the work that she does.”


“After our session, I came home uplifted, strong and positive! I was motivated to go through a lot of paper work...and it felt so good getting it done. My relationship was rather easy going and up beat! I feel I have new strength and a lot of things I need to think about but I can make more decisions for me and be more assertive! Thank you and bless you!”


“The short and sweet— shes AMMAZZZING, you should make an appointment now and I promise you’ll thank me later!!

I’ve been struggling to put in words my experiences with Jennifer for over the last 3 weeks — because when I speak about her amazing gift I want it be as real and effortless as she completes your energy healing—but how, how do I say the right words to make you feel what me and all those that are special to me felt?! How do you describe this AMAZING wonderful game changing HEALING of literally just one session with her!? What I can say- just GO! I promise you you will not regret it! And that’s exactly what I’ve done with family, close friends, co-workers, even my boss!

Knowing me, my family close friends co-workers were like ok if she’s totally sold on Jennifer than it’s worth a shot. Because if you knew me I’m not (and I mean this with no disrespect) into any of the hippie dippie stuff. But someone I value and trust told me “just try it.” It was THE best decision I’ve made for myself, my healing and my journey towards lifelong self-care.

Being an internalizer for all my life, I had finally realized that I wasn’t “handling” it all so well anymore and begrudgingly decided I try this whole professional help thing. So I did, prior to seeing Jennifer I got a great therapist and we had probably 4 sessions were we talked through all sorts of past issues/experiences/challenges. But then after that 4th session I felt as though I had gotten everything out of it that I THOUGHT I needed, I was “all better”. But I was far from that!

What I needed without knowing it was someone to bypass all my normal natural defenses. Someone who I didn’t get to “pre-package” how I said something or the information I shared. Jennifer did just that !

I had tears running down my eyes through the entire first session, and not out of sadness but out of pure organic release. She exposed and brought to the surface thoughts and ideas I haven’t shared with ANYONE! How did she know my past? I hadn’t told her anything. How did she know my patterns? This was our first meeting and we had no common friends or previous contact. How did she know my internal dialogue with myself? Wait whatttt???!! She’s literally reading my internal thoughts!! Oh my goodness is this for real?!?

Yes it’s all real! And that’s coming from a cynic of all cynics — I went into healthcare because I loved to have science and facts to have proof for why things are the way they are, but this doesn’t have that and I am a believer 1000% because I have first hand seen the healing powers her gift has to offer myself and those I love most—all strong, loving, kind, independent woman who needed, unbeknownst to all of them, someone to break down their walls and natural defenses in order to truly reveal their true self so that the growth and healing journey could really begin!

Jennifer is the truth, you will not be disappointed!”